The Difference Between Your Calling and Assignment in Life
Have you ever felt at a loss to clearly define who you are or why you are on this planet? What this means for most people I’ve encountered goes something like this …
Dan: What is your calling?
Client: I’m called to be a dad, and a softball coach.
No one would argue with that answer. The truth, however, is that a “dad” and “softball coach” are more accurately defined as assignments, not calling. Your calling is more than a role you play; it is the strong internal urge you feel to use your specific gifts and abilities to fulfill your unique spiritual purpose in life.
It is human nature for us to want to capture our spiritual purpose, and to use our gifts and abilities for the service of others and personal fulfillment. Certainly, anytime we can engage our total person (body, soul, and spirit) we operate at optimum levels of awareness with meaning.
But for many people, confusion comes from not truly knowing and defining their calling. They are left to wonder “how do I integrate who I am with what I do?”
I speak to Christ-centered followers when I say this: our calling isn’t that we are good at something or even useful to have around. Our calling is leveraging our gifts, talents, and opportunities, and giving thanks to the One who blesses us with these resources. Most importantly, our calling is to be carried out in order to show Christ’s love and share Christ's message of salvation to the people around us. My calling isn’t to be a preacher or pastor. That was merely an assignment (a 29 year assignment, but still, an assignment). Although pastoring was powerful and significant for me, it was not my calling. My calling is to help people reach their spiritual potential. Though assignments in life might change, your calling remains steadfast.
I found that knowing my calling helps me have confidence in who I am, why I’m on the earth, and what I’m positioned to do. I believe assignments are inherently born and formed by the Holy Spirit. Romans 8:14 says, “The sons of God are led by the Spirit.” God leads us to our destinations or assignments.
When assignments are not attached to Biblical calling, we are left unsure, lacking, and often confused with how to share our story with Jesus' story. Our aim is to integrate ourselves as messengers of the message.
Are we prepared for our calling? It isn’t just about academics, the best paying opportunities, or the weather. It’s about tapping into “I’m here to show love, share Christ.” When Christ’s love shows up in us and through us, only then do we have true integration of who we are and what we do.
Below are five questions to ask yourself to help you discover your calling and determine your current assignment. These are questions from Module 2 of my Foundational Core Competencies course where we dive deeper into defining Your Calling.
What makes you come alive?
Where are you the hero in the story?
If you couldn’t fail, what would you put your energy toward?
Which bible story resonates with you the most?
Which scriptures speak to you the most?
By asking and answering these questions, you will gain the proper context of what God is saying to you through His Word and Spirit. Take these answers and move forward with your mentor or pastor to walk out your calling and current assignment from a new place of confidence. If you want further help in this area, email me at and let’s chat.
Know your calling and live out your assignment!