
We all own or have owned a scale at one time or another, either digital or the one your parents may have used. You know the kind that when you stood on it would race to the top and then back down, teeter for a few anxious seconds, then settle in the middle of your exact weight. 

Like me, a lot of us don’t like to weigh ourselves for fear that the number will be so honest it will leave us feeling insecure or overwhelmed. But, when we weigh things, the right weight should matter. 

There is a proverb that says the Lord hates “dishonest scales” (Proverbs 11:1). One of the greatest things we can do as followers of Jesus is weigh our reality. By doing this, our goal is to grow into the full stature and fullness of Jesus Himself (Ephesians 4:13). I’m not talking about legalism or works, but rather weighing our spiritual progress to give us an accurate assessment of our reality. The only way a scale can affect us emotionally is the day we don’t care to know reality. 

Here is the truth about knowing the truth a scale can provide. The truth can set you free, but it doesn’t set us free automatically, rather it allows us to consider: 

  • Where I want to be — the goal.

  • Where I am — my reality.

  • Where I need to get to — the work required.

For many, weighing ourselves physically can cause apprehension. Knowing what we weigh spiritually, however, is of utmost concern. The Bible tells us in 2 Timothy 2:15, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

The word Glory means weight or responsibility. Look at the weight (glory) of Christ’s words (truth) and then let us ask ourselves, are His words in me measuring up to the standard of Christ? The goal isn’t to study the Bible for transactional information but rather transformational formation.

For example, I heard a sermon a few weeks ago at North Coast Calvary Chapel about the Good Samaritan. I know the story, I’ve even preached it myself. Yet, the Holy Spirit  showed me, or rather weighed me and my thoughts and heart intentions, and lovingly showed me where I was and where He wanted me to be — ready and available. This “conviction” is grace. It’s not a call out but a call up to the standard and proper weight of glory I should carry. Carrying our cross daily is a mandate from Jesus to every follower! Yet, how can we carry when we don’t know what our portion is?

I leave you with this, an old quote I used to say in college – “If you want to make an impact it starts with a collision.”


  1. Weigh yourself physically and deal with it.

  2. Weigh yourself spiritually and write it down.

  3. Accept where you are.

  4. Define where you want to be.

  5. Determine how you will get there.

  6. Enroll a support crew.

Hear this, “Those who increase in knowledge increase in strength” (Proverbs 24:5).


Own, Articulate, Execute


The Power of One