The Power of One
I have been a pastor and professional “plagiarizer of scripture” for nearly three decades. Over that time, I have learned many wise foundational principles and truths and all those (like all good things) have come from heaven.
The greatest principle for kingdom power isn’t only gifts and anointing. As divine as the gifts and anointing are from God to us, without this next principle, we can underachieve spiritual results. This principle is not a concept but rather a living, breathing, on-going human document. This can only be lived out with others. And affects all relationships to either thrive or dive!
Extended Relationships
Think about the Son of God praying His final prayer. What is the ASK? What is the ONE thing Jesus wants to leave in the lap of the Father?
“I do not pray for those alone, but for those who will believe in Me through their words; that they may be one, as You, Father are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one is Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me”. John 17:20-21
One of the most overlooked principles of power is unity, or oneness. Deuteronomy 32:20 says, “One can put a 1,000 to flight and two can put 10,000 to flight.”
Do you see it? The secret isn’t starting with getting more power but seeing the heart of God to be WITH us. Notice, Jesus starts by saying (I’m paraphrasing here) —
Father, We are unified and together, and what we do in harmony is both life-giving and powerfully effective. Dad, I want all followers to experience what I do, not power only but you WITH them! This combination of:
Father With Them
Trinity With Them
Them With Each Other in Us
Jesus knew this type of unity or oneness will produce the deepest longings to be fulfilled — The awareness of unbroken union, experiencing the power of union. This is what Jesus wants for your walk with Him, your marriage, your ministry!
Ask yourself this question, are you doing life and ministry with God or for God? Are you aware of His presence and leading when you step into ministry opportunities? We all like living FOR God or UNDER God, because we set the rules. Yet, this way, without the WITH, hijacks our ability to feel secure because we are alone, and we underachieve results because we don’t see fruit as results!
So, I think we get it. It is so simple a “caveman” can do this. But what makes seeing Jesus’ prayer and responding to His prayer difficult isn’t the climb but the descent into humility to walk humbly with our God.
Closing Thoughts:
Jesus always chose presence over performance
Jesus always chose to unify and model relational connection
Jesus always humbly gave honor to God for His wisdom and power: “I do nothing on my own,” John 8:28.
My prayer is Jesus’ prayer for you today — God With You. You With God.
Dan Daugherty